Failure- A word we all hate and
don't even want to think about it in the weirdest of our dreams. When
failure even thinks of knocking at our doors, we leave our respective houses
and go and hide somewhere. And trust you me, that's the easiest thing to do when
the fear of failure comes, but then some don't like to live that way. Some hate
the feeling, some accept it, some fight it, while some conquer it.
Once or more than once in our lives we have been scared of failure - while in school/college we are afraid of failing in that one subject we are not good at [I know the only subject that is playing in your mind is Math’s], while studying to get higher education we are afraid of failing to make it to the best MBA/Medical/Engineering etc. college, someone who wants to be an Actor is afraid of failing in that important audition, while being interviewed for a job we are afraid of failing to get the job, while at work we are afraid of failing in that important project - which if fails - we might not get that promotion we think we deserve or we might lose our job, while in love we are afraid of failing to make it last forever and the list goes on.
Once or more than once in our lives we have been scared of failure - while in school/college we are afraid of failing in that one subject we are not good at [I know the only subject that is playing in your mind is Math’s], while studying to get higher education we are afraid of failing to make it to the best MBA/Medical/Engineering etc. college, someone who wants to be an Actor is afraid of failing in that important audition, while being interviewed for a job we are afraid of failing to get the job, while at work we are afraid of failing in that important project - which if fails - we might not get that promotion we think we deserve or we might lose our job, while in love we are afraid of failing to make it last forever and the list goes on.
Sometimes we fail to even speak
to ourselves, we hide in the market of self-pride, where we sell things we are
good at, and always ignore the worst parts of our reality. We continue to
successfully lead our lives that way in the name of living – if only ignoring your true self be called as Life, as a whole.
Failure provides frustration, disappointment, de-motivation, pain and all kinds of negative human emotions one can think of. But then Failure never leaves us in spite of having so much of negative impact on human beings. Is it right to say that it's an integral part of being successful?
We all just want to be Successful, Period!!
I wish Success could have been that easy, and maybe we could find the meaning of Success in a dictionary or maybe we could find a formula to be always successfull, but it doesn't happen that way. Some call it an accident that very few can survive, while I believe, "Success is to be friends with Failure.”
How you would like to make
Failure as your friend, depends on how you perceive it – the choice is yours – it
always was!