
Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Sleep & The Awake..

A lot of times it happens that you are badly tired and want to Sleep. You go to bed thinking that you will have a good and sound Sleep tonight, but then the moment you hit bed, you start feeling restless. You just can't Sleep.
You are forced to think about all those complicated things you have at the present moment of time. You start wondering if sleeping pills could have helped.
Just when these thoughts battle in your mind, you see the clock is ticking fast making the time travel furiously.Every time you see the watch, you say, Oh Lord! its so late and I haven't been able to Sleep yet. At this moment of time neither The Lord does anything to improve your situation nor the Clock stops ticking..
The Restlessness, The Complicatedness, The Darkness don't leave you alone. You start questioning yourself whether you will be able to Sleep tonight? Suddenly you hear a voice, yes a voice of Sleep, saying, "I don't want to be with you tonight, you will have to stay with Awake".
You realize you have no other choice rather than being with The Awake..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

स्वाधीनता दिवस

आज हमारा ६४वा स्वाधीनता दिवस है और मैं यह सोच रहा हूँ की काश मैं भी आज़ादी की लड़ाई लड़ पाता. उन महान शहीदो के साथ शाहिद होता, अपने देश के लिए कुछ करता. अंग्रेज़ो को बोलता " भारत हमारा है" यहाँ से चले जाओ. उनके दफ़्तरों मे बॉम्ब फेक्ता, गोलियाँ चलाता, जैल जाता और अंग्रेज़ो के मूह पे थुक्ता, उनकी लाठियाँ ख़ाता और फिर उठके बोलता वन्दे मातरम,वन्दे मातरम,वन्दे मातरम,वन्दे मातरम.

भारत माता की जै, भारत माता की जै, भारत माता की जै, भारत माता की जै, भारत माता की जै..

चन्द्रशेखर आज़ाद, राजगुरु, भगत सिंग के साथ अंग्रेज़ो को भगाने का शड्यन्त्र रचता, सुभाष चंद्र बोस के साथ आंदोलन छेरटा, महात्मा गाँधी के साथ दांडी मार्च करता. और जाने कितने ही नाम हैं जो मैं लेना चाहता हूँ जिन्होने अपने प्राणो की आहुति दे दी अपने देश की आज़ादी के लिए, हमारे आज़ादी के लिए, तुम्हारे आज़ादी के लिए.

उन महान योदद्धाओं को मेरा सलाम.

जै हिंद.. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

I am Dieting..

We get to hear this sentence very often, mostly from Women.. Lets say Women at work,in parties,restaurants, marriage functions,kitty parties and the list goes on...

Now is there actually a dieting thing going on, or has it become some kind of statement to draw attention. I have no clue about that.. rather what i see is they do eat saying I am on dieting, but i can have the pizza today.. "ek din khane se kya hota hai".. so is it that everyday you just eat thinking today is the last day I am gonna have these calories.. and from tomorrow i wont..

And then the guys get one question which all my male friends would agree.. Am I looking Fat? Have I put on Weight? My Clothes don't fit me any longer, do you think I should reduce weight?? etc etc..

Women are so particular about the make-up they wear, the clothes, the shoes.. everything has to be in sync and they dont ask questions on their clothes/accessories to men that often.. so why only this million dollar question comes to a Man.. that Am I looking Fat!!

Trust me ladies, you have no clue that we try not to lie to you guys, but this is one thing that makes us lie all the time.. and then this spoils us further..

And I wouldn't say that this sentence is only used by Women, I do know quite a few Men who use this amazing line very often and then do the same.

I wish I could have been a fitness expert and could give you some advice.. all I know is eat whatever you like without thinking twice, sleep well and work out for 30 mins atleast everyday...

Spare your friends by asking that million dollar question!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life is too SHORT..

We want so many things in Life and we always want to be successful.

A good career, big house, big car, promotions,foreign travel, branded clothes,nice watches, stylish shoes and the list goes on. We humans are never satisfied with what we have, infact I dont think we ever would!

We always have some desire or the other and the desires never end..

The world has become like a race, some keep on running to beat others whereas some stay at the same place to pull others down. There are some who don't do much but still have the privilege to have everything they want while there are some who are always unfortunate to get what they deserve.

Is it really worth to be worked up so much when we don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow. I don't know if I will be dead or alive tomorrow, but we plan the next 6 months or a year.

Whats the joy of getting a promotion after your marriage breaks, Whats the fun in shopping when you don't have anyone special to shop for, Whats the point of getting a big car when you don't have time to take your partner/family/friends out for a drive! What's the use of a big house when you travel most of the times for work! What's in telling your kids that you have to be successful and rich, which you being one don't spend enough time with them!

We get so engrossed in this race that we tend to forget our responsibilities towards our Parents,Partner,Kids,Frien


And one day when you realise the importance of those very few special people in your life you find yourself standing alone with your so called success.

Success is for "US" to be happy and not the "I".

Where are we heading?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lights, Camera and Action on Humans..

A noise came from somewhere... Lights.. Camera.. & Action.. and we entered into this place called World. From the moment we stepped in we started playing our respective roles.. And since then there has been so many role changes but the scene has been going on and on and on...seems like a never ending role!!

We start with playing the role of a Son/Daughter and then a Friend's role comes in and somehow this role looks very good to all of us. Now with this wonderful role of friendship we are directed towards one more role, the role of a Lover.. Now this Play known as "Love" is supposed to be God's best scripted act..

But somehow we try to direct it in our own way and then we complain/fail, its obvious. Its supposed to be directed by God and not us.. And then when finally we accept to act according to God's direction and script in the play "Love", we enter into Marriage. A new role starts of a Husband/Wife.

When we start getting used to this new role God directs us towards another wonderful role of a Father/Mother. While we find this role to be very lovely but at the same time very demanding.. The role gets better as it progresses.

But again its all about different roles so the script now demands us to enter into another role.. The role of a Father-In-Law/Mother-In-La
w. This role as per the script gives immense joy and happiness and we start enjoying the role and we think this is it..

But then we have another role to play.. The role of a Grandfather/Grandmom..

This is the last role that God scripted us to play as a gift to us for all the roles we played for him in the play called Life..

And one day God says Cut!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


A Lover only knows to Love, he has no choice.
In his passionate love for you, he longs to break the chains of his confinement, he has no choice.
He longs to steal in your dreams,don't fret, he has no choice.
He desires to kiss every lock of your hair, don't fret, he has no choice.

Lover asked his Beloved:
Do you love me more than you love yourself?
Beloved replied: I want to die and live for you.
I want to lose my identity for your love.
I exist only for you.
I have given up everything to be in Love with you.

I love you.. I love myself.
I love myself.. I love you.

I am your lover,come with me,
Leave the world of ignorance behind, be with me,
I will love you.

Though you belong to the entire world, come to my side,
I will open the gate to your love.

I desire you more than the World,
My senses, my soul,my mind,my heart hungers for your love.
I would wait forever with silent passion for your one gesture,one glance,one smile and your Love..

Failure calling Success..

Failure- A word we all hate and don't even want to think about it in the wierdest of our dreams.

Infact we all are afraid of it, while in school/college we are afraid of failing in that one subject we are not good at, while studying to get higher education we are afraid of failing to make it to the best MBA/Medical/Engineering etc. college, while being interviewed for a job we are afraid of failing to get the job, while at job we are afraid of failing in an important project,while in Love we are afraid of failing to make it to last forever and the list goes on...

Failure provides frustration,disappointment
,demotivation,pain and all kinds of negative human emotions one can think of...

But then Failure never leaves us inspite of having so much of negative impact on human beings.

We all just want to be Successful, Period!!

I wish Success could have been that easy, and may be we could find the meaning of Success in a dictionary or may be we could find a formula to Success, but it doesnt happen that way.

While its right to say that everone wants to make a mark on the World, and why not we all are born to do something great and unique. But if it were easy,everybody could have done it. But it's not. It takes patience, commitment, perseverance and above all it demands plenty of Failures along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid or ignore Failure/s, it's whether you let it strengthen you to fight back with even more determination,wisdom and perseverance.

Failure either breaks you or takes you a step closer to Success..

The choice is Yours..

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Conversation between GOD & SCIENCE..

Science- Hey buddy wassup? How are you?

God- Hi Dude.. I am doing very well. What about you?

Science-Well am doing just about OK!!

God-Why Ok?

Science- Humans are using their brains quite too much and bugging me to hell. Why did you give them Brains anyways?

God- What do you mean?

Science- Well, I mean you gave them the Power to think using their brains and then they created me to control the world.

Science- I thought it was your job!

God- Had I not given them the Brain you wont have existed my friend.. Don't we get along well?

Science- Ofcourse we do.

Science- But you know what bothers me?

Science- They are controlling the birth and death of Mankind. I am sure you know it all!

God- Can you give me an example.

Science- You know by controlling birth I meant Humans are killing babies well before they are born only because they dont think they are ready to handle it.

Science- Did you give them brains to do such things.. I am sure you had better ideas!!

God- I gave them brains to think and care about each others happiness and also I gave them a Heart as well to Love.

Science-- Well with regards to Love, it reminds me Humans are using the Heart to Hate more than to Love.Hatred is spreading around the world in the name of caste,creed and religion. And you know what they say they are doing it for God. I never knew this was ever your agenda as I know you for quite some time now.

Science-By killing innocent people they are controlling Death as I told you earlier!

God- Well this certainly demands an action at our end. But what do we do? They have the brains and I cant take it back and then they have created you to help themselves.

Science-Exactly my point. So what do we do?

God- Well let me think about it and you also think over it.. I am sure we will be able to find a solution to help Mankind with this.

Mankind-Waiting for a solution.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day..

The Day to celebrate and express your Love. But does "Love" deserve to be celebrated only once a year, does one need to wait for Valentines Day to express ones "Love" to someone..

Is it actually "Love" that people try and express on this day or is it to just follow the trend!

Being in "Love" is such a wonderful feeling that we want to be in "Love" for the rest of our Lives, but what for, to remind ourselves once a year.Seems like "Love" has become momentary.

To celebrate & express True Love even a lifetime is less..

Love is too great a feeling to be celebrated in a day, infact a few Valentine Days in ones life..

In a country like India where there are hundreds of thousands of children who dont get good education, sufficient food to survive and enough clothes to cover themselves we are celebrating Valentines Day, helping big brands like Archies and many others to be bigger and richer.. Its sad to see we have fallen into the trap of these kind of days!

India doesnt seem to be the same cultural destination because of which its known across the Globe, we are too busy in losing it..

A lot has been happening around us which demand more attention and importance, the Pune bomb blasts is the best example to prove it.. But until the Storm hits us we wont realise the importance nor we would be giving attention to such things..So till then lets celebrate Valentines Day and other such days as well..

Happy Valentines Day to all.

With Love
Amit Gupta


They say Behind every successful man there is a Woman, but before that Behind every Being on this Earth there is a Woman...

The first word that we learn to speak is Maa, Mom, Mum,Mumma..

Give Directions when we are Aimless, Provide Resistance when we feel Weak, Give us Hope when we lose Faith, Stand by us when no one else does, Absorb all the Pain when we can't handle it, Make us Strong to Fight when all Odds are against us, Take all the Sorrow when we want to be Happy.

Without Them- Happiness would become Meaningless, Hope would become Faithless, Challenges would become Terror, Pain would become Poison, Journeys would become Direction less, Love would be Incomplete & Life would become Senseless.

The reason for our Existence & Survival are "Women"..

Dedicated to all the Women in Our Lives...


Some are Lucky to get LOVE-while Some are Waiting for it to happen, Some Fall in LOVE-while Some Rise, Some feel Wonderful & Amazing being in LOVE-while Some feel LOVE as Pain, Some want to LOVE Someone-while Some want to be LOVED by Someone, Some want to come out of it-while Some go deeper and deeper into LOVE, Some think LOVE doesn't exist-while for Some its the only thing that exists, for Some LOVE is a Dream-while for Some its the Reality, for Some LOVE is a Desire-while for Some its the Need..


To All My Friends on Valentines Day..


Love Yesterday & Today!

LOVE is Blind-that's the most famous say that we all have known.
LOVE knows No Boundaries, Conditions, Questions, Answers,Logic,Calculations
LOVE-Heart above Mind, Soul above Body, Emotions above Logic, Understanding above Questions...

Not Anymore!!

Today LOVE has "Eyes", it sees Boundaries, Puts Conditions, Throws Questions, Demands Answers, Goes by Logic, Does Calculations, Counts Religion..
Today it is Mind above Heart, Body above Soul, Logic above Emotions, Questions above Understanding....

Some get the "Yesterday's Love", Some waiting for the "Yesterday's Love", Some are in "Today's Love" and there are Some who don't need it at all..

Which category do you fall in?

A Quiet Dark Night..

In a quiet Dark night I was thinking to myself- Where am I, Do I belong here, What am I doing, Should I be doing this, Where am I Going, Will I reach Where I want to go, What if I dont Achieve what I Desire, What if I Fail and What will happen even if I Succeed and get everything that I Wanted and Dreamt in Life. Will I be Happy? While so many thoughts were juggling in my mind I suddenly looked into the Skies.

To me Surprise you know what I saw!!!

I saw a tiny lil Star looking so HAPPY even being so small,smiling at other Stars who were trying hard to shine more than the other Stars..but this star was Unique, U know why coz it was just enjoying being in the Skies,it was enjoying every moment of its being..

I got all my answers..

Did you?