
Sunday, February 14, 2010


They say Behind every successful man there is a Woman, but before that Behind every Being on this Earth there is a Woman...

The first word that we learn to speak is Maa, Mom, Mum,Mumma..

Give Directions when we are Aimless, Provide Resistance when we feel Weak, Give us Hope when we lose Faith, Stand by us when no one else does, Absorb all the Pain when we can't handle it, Make us Strong to Fight when all Odds are against us, Take all the Sorrow when we want to be Happy.

Without Them- Happiness would become Meaningless, Hope would become Faithless, Challenges would become Terror, Pain would become Poison, Journeys would become Direction less, Love would be Incomplete & Life would become Senseless.

The reason for our Existence & Survival are "Women"..

Dedicated to all the Women in Our Lives...

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