
Friday, January 7, 2011

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday, Mom used to wake us up to go to school, Today, she wakes us up to go to work.

Yesterday, the excuse for not going to school was I haven't done my homework, Today, the excuse not to go to work is I am not feeling well.

Yesterday, there were classmates, Today, there are cabmates.

Yesterday, there was school prayer, Today, there is Team Huddle.

Yesterday, the talks in between the class used to be by writing on a piece of paper, Today, we talk via communicators or mobile phones during conference calls.

Yesterday, there used to be meeting with friends every evening, Today, you meet overseas colleagues via video conferencing.

Yesterday, we used to take a break to drink water in school, Today, we take a break to grab a cup of coffee at work.

Yesterday, there used to be homework on different subjects, Today, there is preparing presentations for different projects.

Yesterday, it was tiffin break and discussions were cricket or the hot girl in class/school, Today, there is a lunch break and the discussions are office politics, issues @ work, or the hot woman at work.

Yesterday, we used to bunk class to play cricket or spend time with our current crush in school, Today, we bunk office to go for an interview.

Yesterday, there used to be long adda's to chit-chat, Today, there is Facebook to chat.

Yesterday, Dad used to give pocket money, Today, you pay all your bills.

Yesterday, birthday treat meant chocolates, pastries, Today, there is Birthday Party over Pizza,Burgers & Drinks.

Yesterday, there was cricket, football, caram and chess tournaments, Today, there is video game competitions.

Yesterday, pictures were clicked once in a while, Today, they are clicked everyday.

Yesterday, movies used to come in TV once a week, Today, they come 24hrs a day.

Yesterday, there were friends who gave updates about other friends, Today, there is Facebook that gives updates.

Time has changed and has changed the Yesterday to Today.

Amit Gupta

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