For a long time I wanted to pen down the most famous and favorite past time of today’s age, or shall I say the most famous obsession-The Social Network.
Friends, Acquaintances, Strangers, Enemies, Celebrities, Sportsman, Media Personnels, Fan Clubs all at one place. Every business has a specific audience unlike the social network, the whole world is its target audience.
I wish to have known if people of other planets also are on the social network. Given the fact, Technology is advancing at such a pace, soon there will be one day when we will be able to connect with people of other planets as well. After all it’s about changing and evolving. Just imagine you are chatting with a friend who is in Mars and you ask, how is the weather there or lets catch up for coffee. I wonder where the meeting place would be though!
Or imagine your parents messaging you the name of the boy/girl you have to be married to, and then the message says, check his/her profile on Facebook and if you like it Add him/her as a Friend.
Today, Blackberry’s, Smart Phones, Androids, IMacs, IPhones have taken a huge leap over our lives, seems it’s impossible to live without these gadgets which keeps us connected to the world.
Isn’t that the truth?
Social networking sites like Facebook & Twitter where we have millions of members does prove that the social networking gig has become an addiction cum obsession. How many of us read the FB notifications first before opening the newspaper at the start of the day. Notifications, Status Updates, Photo Tags, Friend Requests, Event notifications have become the headlines today. As a matter of fact News Channels today get their Bollywood bites from Celebrity’s Twitter Posts. How convenient is that!
We all want to be heard and seen these days, we like to be talked about, to be in the centre of attraction. As they say, “Modesty is such a waste of time, if you don’t show it they don’t see it”.
Are we still living in the Modern World or is it that we have moved ahead of the Modern Times?
There was a time when the first meeting between two people used to happen face to face, whereas now it happens on Facebook. The time when you wanted to be friends with someone, you used to walk up to that person and say, hey, would you like to be my friend or hey, can we be friends? And today you just have to send a Friend Request.
And I hope we don't start getting Marriage invitations on Facebook or other Social Networking Sites.
The charm of meeting friends everyday, sharing pictures on special occasions, planning events face to face, having face to face arguments or debates, giving updates about other friends is lost somewhere in the Social Networking gig.
Is Technology dragging us to a mere Virtual World from the Real World or has it already dragged us to the Virtual World…!!
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