
Saturday, November 5, 2011


For quite a long time I wanted to write something about happiness, I thought may be I would be able to write it better if I am happy, but then it was coming to me for a nanosecond and then it used to  return to its original destination. So I gave up the idea and thought let me make a start and see if I reach the end with or without being happy.

Don’t we sometimes think that where does happiness reside, within us, in our environment or some place else? I am still to find an answer to that, the closest I have got is it resides within us and it’s a mere state of mind and nothing else.

So when do we feel happy?

Let’s take a few examples, we are happy when we get our salaries, gifts, promotions, appreciations at work, crack a good business deal, a pleasant surprise and the list goes on. So what happens when some of these things happen to us, our state of mind changes, it leaves the earlier state it was in and a new state of mind takes over.

No, it isn't surprising that our state of mind isn’t constant, given the fact nothing is permanent and change is the only constant on which this universe is surviving. So at a particular moment if our state of mind is joyful, the other moment it can be sad and another moment we may be angry on something. Is our mind also working on the same law of universe, “Change is the only constant”!

Shall we then say Happiness is momentary?

Now come on, Google won’t give you an answer to this question nor you can find the meaning of it in any dictionary, you will have to find an answer yourself.

Sometimes I do think, why does happiness needs to be so hyped up, if you smile all day, doesn’t that mean you are happy in any circumstances. I have seen people who never look unhappy or tensed, they are always smiling and they always look calm and composed. Not that they don’t have problems or anything (who doesn’t have problems), its just that they choose to remain happy, come what may. Shall we then say they have been successful in taming their state of mind and make it work against the “Change is the only constant” law?

Try and recall the last time you were very happy and how long did it last, I am sure it didn’t last forever, or do you remember the last time you were sad and it lasted forever.

I wish I could conclude the meaning of “Happiness” for you, and so, I leave that to you.

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