So what’s the first thing that comes in your mind knowing that Friday has come, more so, the Friday evenings?
Make plans for the weekend, how to kick off the weekend by having a rocking Friday evening or lets say a weekend getaway, that’s something that also starts mostly on a Friday evening.
Now I do know, some of you work till late and Friday evenings are mostly spent on calls, meetings or making a boring presentation. I can understand how terrible you feel about that. And I also know that when you have to attend a party or a get-together on a Friday evening, you have to do a lot of planning and change your entire day’s schedule, painful indeed.
And then there will always be some people who would leave early and bid you ‘Bye’ in a very teasing manner, as their weekend has started, whereas your day hasn’t ended yet, forget about the so called weekend.
I hope I didn’t touch a wrong chord there. Ok, enough of sadness, lets move on, remember it’s a Friday.
For the other category who get free early in the evening, can do a variety of things- catch up with a friend over a cup of coffee, watch a newly released movie, go to a pub or disc, call up a few friends over to your place for a get-together, spend some time with books and there are many more things to do.
Shall we call these people the lucky ones as their weekend kicks-off before Saturday begins. I know the lucky ones are smiling now, looking down on the unlucky ones.
Stop smiling folks, nothing is permanent. You never know when you will have to work late on Fridays and then you know what follows next! So stop looking down and look ahead to the wonderful "Friday Evening" moment and enjoy it while you have it.
The question however is, do people who get free early on a Friday evening enjoy more as compared to the ones who work till late?
Well I wish I had a perfect answer to that, but then it completely depends on how you enjoy Life and its moments, be it a Monday evening or a Friday.
So while I go and make a peg of Single Malt for myself to celebrate this moment, you have a great"Friday Evening". We shall meet on the other side of the weekend.
Here’s raising a toast to Life and the ever famous “TGIF”.
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